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Monday, February 1, 2016


Present were: Judge Butts, Judge Anderson, Judge Gray, Judge Lovecchio, Judge McCoy, Aaron Biichle, Richard Callahan, Robert Cronin, Skip Greevy, Brad Hillman, Edward Mitchell, Joseph Rider, Jeffrey Rowe, Adrienne Stahl, Thomas Waffenschmidt, Dave Wilk, Jeffrey Yates

Old Business

Orphans Court Docket

Judge Butts reported that funding has been obtained for an Orphans Court Docket.

New Business

Criminal Practitioner’s Brown Bag Luncheon

Judge Butts and criminal practitioners are now having monthly brown bag luncheons on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

Family Court Brown Bag Luncheon

Judge McCoy and family court practitioners are meeting regularly for brown bag luncheons on the second Thursday of the month.

Court Calendar for 2017

There will be a judicial vacancy during 2017 as a result of the retirement of Judge Anderson at the end of 2016. The remaining four judges will be sharing the responsibility together with Senior Judges.

There may be changes in the Civil Court calendar for 2017 in order to consolidate the civil terms now assigned to Judge Anderson and Judge Gray. There may be fewer terms with greater lengths.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 2, 2016.

Respectfully submitted,

C. Edward Mitchell, Chairman